Thursday, December 23, 2010

കൊക്കോകോള കുടിയനാണോ നിങ്ങൾ.....

Coca cola and Our Body .... Some Facts....

1. Soft drink consumption is a major factor that contributes to osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis : It is a condition characterized by a decrease in the density of bone, decreasing its strength and resulting in fragile bones. This disorder of skeleton weakens the bone and results in frequent fractures in bones.

2. The active ingredient in coke is Phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days.

3. Soft drinks leads to lower Calcium levels and higher Phosphate levels in blood.

When phosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, Calcium is pulled out of bones.

The Phosphate contents of soft drinks like Coca cola and Pepsi is very high and they contain virtually no calcium.

4. Soft drink consumption by children poses a significant risk factor for impaired calcification of growing bones.

This situation ultimately leads to poor bone mineralization and greater risk of broken bones in children.

5. Sugar and acid in soft drinks so easily dissolve tooth enamel.

It promotes tooth decay.

6. One soft drink a day gave a child a 60 % greater chance of becoming obese.

7. Saccharin is a non caloric petroleum derivative estimated to be 300 to 500 hundred times sweeter than sugar.

It is used in soft drinks as sweetner.

Tests on animals have demonstrated the carcinogenic (Cancer producing) effects of saccharin in the bladder and other sites.

8. Soft drinks are far from soft.

High in Phosphorous and phosphoric acid,they infiltrate bodily fluids and corrode stomach linings (It results in ulcers).

9. Sodium benzoate is used as a preservative in foods, including soft drinks, fruit juices, pickles and jams.

Sodium preservatives add sodium to the diet and reduce the availability of potassium.

Some reactions to Sodium benzoate include recurring urticaria (rash), asthma and eczema.

10. Drinking cola can cause kidney stones to form which can lead to kidney damage .

11. Caffeine's (an ingredient in coco cola) stimulating effects can result in high blood pressure..

12. Soft drinks contains Fructose in high levels.

Elevated cholesterol can occur from the high levels of fructose. It contributes to weight gain.

One main use of Coca cola:

1. To clean Toilet : Pour a can of coca cola into the toilet and wait for 2-3 hours & then flush clean.

It removes stains.


Please stop drinking the Tasty Poisons like soft drinks for a Healthy Living...

മധുരിക്കുന്ന വിഷം കുടിച്ച് ജീവിതം......ഇഞ്ചിഞ്ചായി തീർക്കാനാഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നവർക്......മനോഹരമായ പാനീയമാണു...കൊക്കോ കോള.......മറ്റ് കോളകളും.

This Blog courtesy from:Abshar mohammed's blog